your home

The right plot for

in our modern village

Site map & availability

Current availability

Plot | Type | Beds | SQ FT | Price | Anticipated Completion

91 | Sky | 2 | 920.7 | £269,995 | Summer 2025

92 | Sky | 2 | 920.7 | £269,995 | Summer 2025

93 | Sky | 2 | 920.7 | £269,995 | Summer 2025

94 | Sky | 2 | 920.7 | £269,995 | Summer 2025

108 | Plus | 3 | 1129.4 | £357,500 | Winter 2025

109 | Plus | 3 | 1129.4 | £355,500 | Winter 2025

112 | Plus | 3 | 1129.4 | £357,500 | Winter 2025

Site Map

Check the map below to see the location and house type of each available plot at Collyhurst Village.

If you would like to make an enquiry, please contact our sales team.

Download our brochure

If you would like to download a copy of our sitemap brochure, please fill in the form below. Please note that name and email fields are required.

 Buy your home with confidence

All homes come with a 2 year FEC warranty and 10 year insurance backed structural warranty. Click below to learn more about the process of buying with us.